Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Stress Can't Kill Me Unless I Let it

"It is not realistic to be without worry...
My blessing to you was you should have
many worries. That means that nothing
really bad is on your mind."
"Now when I find I am worried about
a half dozen things, I am happy."
Page 188.  Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski, M.D.
The Rabbi & the Nuns: The Inside Story of a Rabbi’s Therapeutic Work With the Sisters of St. Francis

Friday May 10, 2013 13 Days Post Stroke
In My Backyard Garden

Baruch HaShem! (Thank You God!) I am so grateful to be able to
appreciate the beautiful orange flowers,red tree, birds, squirrels and
yellow green leaves. I am in business for myself. My biggest business
stress is scheduling. My wife and I have an empty nest so things are
usually calm. Thank you God.

I checked my smart phone. There are 12,239 Amazon books on Stress

"Stress can kill you." Dr. Joel Kahn

Gulp! Stressing me out just thinking about it.

The whole essence of My Treatment Plan boils
down to stress management. The ability to stay
Healthy and Strong in the face of adversity.
Spiritual, Mental, Nutrition, and exercise.

If the 'stress blender' gets turned on high I have
to be able to cope with the proper perceptive.
'This is a challenge, an opportunity, a gift.'
Or if life 'sucker punches'
me in the gut I have to be strong enough to
get back up and laugh at my 'bully.'

I remember the time I totally lost my car brakes.
I hit a guard rail. My car was literally standing
up on the left two wheels and still rolling.
I wasn't scared. I thought it was cool and wished
I had it on video. My perception saved my life.

"Keep Calm and Carry On."
On the eve of World War II the British Government
printed 2.5 million Keep Calm and Carry on Posters.
... Reassurance.

I have to keep calm .
Ed thought it was funny when I told him I was on a
'Quest for Boredom.'

I want to live a productive purposeful life without
being overcome by stress.
Time will tell if this is possible for me.
I think it is.

Ah, deep breath in. Slowly blow out all that CO2.
Relax. Calm. I am Healthy and Strong!

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