Wednesday, February 8, 2017


" 'Practice’ does not have to mean putting the
bow on the string. If you mentally rehearse in a
focused and constructive way for three hours
while sitting in the park, you can tell yourself
afterwards that you have done three hour’s work."
Simon Fischer

Friday May 10, 2013 13 Days Post Stroke
In My Basement Office

I remember my Father (of Blessed Memory would take
me golfing on Sundays.
He loved golf. It was his vacation away
from his stressful Deli business. He enjoyed being
outside with nature as I do.
I 'hated' golf though, too slow, boring and frustrating
for me.
But I actually became a pretty good golfer mainly to
please my Dad.
 I even won some tournaments as
a teenager.
Saturday night I would lay in bed imagining hitting my
first drive.
Sometimes I visualized hitting a powerful shot
straight down the fairway in position to get a birdie on
a par five.
When I was able to visualize having a good first shot, I played
a Great game!
Other times I imagined missing the ball, or slicing the ball
into the woods. This negative visualization doomed my game
to lousy.
I didn't know that I was using the same technique of great athletes,
musicians, and leaders. Visualization!
Professional sports teams pay big money to hire Sports Psychologists
to teach their players visualization, imaging, and positive affirmations.

"Evidence suggest that visualization can tone and strengthen
muscles similar to the way exercise does; it activates the same
parts of the brain."
Page 88 Elaine R. Ferguson, M.D.

Superhealing: Engaging Your Mind, Body, and Spirit to Create Optimal Health and Well-being

I am going to actively incorporate Visualization, Imagery into
My Rehab Treatment Plan!

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