Wednesday, February 8, 2017


" Alternate nostril breathing creates
 whole brain fitness and function
 by balancing left and right brain hemispheres."
Dr. Lisa Vickery

Friday May 10, 2013 13 Days Post Stroke
In My Backyard Garden

Let's see if I can remember how to do alternate nostril breathing.
I hope my neighbors aren't watching.

I will use the thumb of my  right hand to close my right nostril.
Breathe in through my left nostril.
Ok, so far so good.
Release my right thumb.
Now I will switch to using my ring finger of my right hand to close my left nostril.
Breathe out through my right nostril.

Now I will close my right  nostril and gently and fully inhale through my left nostril.
That's it,breathe in deep down till my bellybutton expands.
Breathe in 1,2,3,4,5.
Then I will close my left nostril and exhale fully through my right nostril.
Out 1,2,3,4,5.
I will repeat  this series, alternating nostrils after each inhalation.
Ah, I feel calm 1,2,3,4,5
And relaxed 1,2,3,4,5
In 1,2, Healthy3,4,5
Out 1,2, Strong 3,4,5
In 1,2, Calm 3,4,5
Out 1,2, Relaxed 3,4,5
Ah, I Feel Good!

I burst out laughing.
 I just  thought of a funny spin on this.
Alternate Nostril breathing Not recommended for:
1. Job interviews.
2. First dates
3. Public Speaking
Oh, that's funny! Can't stop laughing!

I am going to try a more socially acceptable alternative.
This is the same breathing technique martial artists
and athletes use.

First, I will close my mouth. Then breathe in through
my nose deep down until my bellybutton expands.

In 1,2, Relax3,4,5.
Breath out through my mouth 1,2,Calm 3,4,5.
In 1,2, Healthy3,4,5.
Out 1,2, Strong 3,4,5.

Ah, I feel calm and relaxed!

Need to learn how to do this breathing technique
subtly, so I can do it in public.

Time to get ready for Shabbos (Jewish Sabbath)

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