Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Individuals Are Not Statistics!

Approximately 14 years Pre-Stroke

I was personal training a client. My cell
phone rang.
"Hello, Mr. Walters. I got the test results.
Your Mother has no more than six months
to live. "
Good thing he called me on my cell phone
because if he would have been standing
here, I would have punched him out.
Arrogant B#%*^+=D! Who is he to
make predictions like that?
M.D. Is Not spelled G.O.D.!

My mother had cancer. She also had a
Staph infection. (Common complication
in the 'Jail House.')

America's Healthcare System is the Third Leading Cause of Death

Barbara Starfield, M.D. (2000)

Summary by Kah Ying ChooThis Journal of theAmerican Medical Association article illuminates the failure of the U.S. medical system in providing decent medical care for Americans.

Marsha, Adina and I visited her every day.

She seemed unaware of what was going on.

But, I didn't believe it for a minute.

Optimism, meaning and purpose Always wins!

Ever read,  Man's Search For Meaning? By

Dr. Frankel.

I kept whispering in her

ear. "Mom, we Love You!

Want you to come home!

Benji's coming home from

Israel to visit you. We are all

going to go on a family vacation

to Monte Ray, California for

Meir's graduation.

C 'mon Mom. We need you!

She was transferred to Skilled

Nursing Care.

Do you know of anyone who has walked out of  a skilled nursing home?

My mother could not get out of bed, had no appetite and only given months to live.

I made a huge poster and placed it on the wall by the foot of

her bed, so she could easily read it.

“Dear Mom,

We love you, and want you to come home!

Life is motion. If you want to live, you have got to start moving!

You have to eat to be healthy and strong!

You can do it!

All Our Love,

Your Family"

Every day  I came to visit Mom.

Slowly, gradually, progressively, I helped Mom go from laying,

to sitting, to standing, to ...walking!

She started calling me coach.

She also went to "Regular Rehab."

Eventually Mom was able to walk down the hallway holding onto

her metal walker. Her appetite improved, and she was eating 3

 small squares a day.

She was ready to come home.

As we approached the nursing station, I whispered,

“Mom,  I want you to Run passed that nursing station.”

Sure enough, she pushed her metal walker to the side

and did a little shuffle passed the nursing station.

The nurses watched in astonishment at first, and then Cheered!

Some of them were in tears, as I was.

She, came home. My wife took care of her like she was her

own mother.

My Mom Went With Us On That Family Vacation!

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