Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Charge Up The Mountain

I want to do one more event to bring closure to this

'Chapter Of  My Life.'

I want to do something that combines spiritual,mental,

Strength (specifically my hand grip) and cardio

(Up hill.)

I want to run up Negley Hill holding two twenty

pound weights. Seventeen months ago I couldn't

even hold a coffee cup.

Dr. Avatarssaron  told me I should stop every

ten seconds when I'm going up a hill.

I want to charge up the side of a mountain.

I want to give back and honor GOD with

kindness to others.

I want to do this for a charity. I can't decide
which charity.

Shlomo came in for his workout.
"Rich, I'm excited. An anonymous
sponsor gave me $15,000 for matching.
I have to raise another $15,000 by
December 31, 2014. That gives me
eight days.
I have a splitting headache.
I don't know if I can workout

Rabbi Shlomo Silverman Chabad C.M.U.,
I have known him since he was in my boot
camp as a teenager.
Here's my charity. I will run up Negley Hill
in support of Chabad C.M.U.

This is not an optional charity.
Our future depends on our youth.
I gave a motivational talk there once.
I saw first hand what they do.
It's inspiring!

That means I only have eight days to
train for this. I should rest for a week.
That gives me one day to train.
I will walk the hill tomorrow and then
run with twenty pound weights up
the steps at The Oval.


Ed, pull over at the bottom of Negley
Hill. As I got the weights out of the
trunk I started charging up the hill.
The first half was fine. Second half
my legs started cramping and I was
losing the grip in my right hand.
I had about twenty more yards to
go. I put the weights down, rested
for about ten seconds, picked them
up again and made it to the top.
Shlomo told us he made his goal.
I gave him a high five!

And inside my head I gave myself
a high five. I Am An Achiever!

I have returned!
Now, I'm waiting to find out what
GOD has in mind for my next


  1. An email from Stan,
    Here's what my friend replied when I shared your blog.

    ~ Stan

    "I would like to buy several copies of this book...it will make a lovely gift to hospice/caregivers in general and stroke victims (it tells in some measure all their stories)...it's short, heartwarming, funny, inspiring, and sensitive to the human spirit. Thank you so very much for sharing!!!"

  2. Currently it's only available on this blog.
    Please share with anyone who needs Hope Inspiration and Courage! Thank you so much!
    May you be blessed with Happiness Health and Strength!
