Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Who Knows Best?

Disclaimer: Consult Your Medical TeamCaution: Do Not Use Me As Example of What You Should Do For Yourself! We all have unique backgrounds and medical situations. What applies to me does not apply to you! In my opinion, we should try to be informed as much as possible so that we can be good advocates for ourselves and make wise decisions. My role is to point you to information sources which may be helpful. My main mission is to provide hope and inspiration! Benji accompanied me and my escort to the Rehab Center. They put me in a line with other Stroke Survivors waiting for therapy. Twenty minutes went by. "Benji, I can't take this any more. What's the point of rehab if I'm just going to sit here in this stupid wheel chair? I'm sure they know a lot, but so do I. I have been doing Personal Training since 1998. That coupled with all my Continuing Ed and other readings gives me the equivalent of Ph.D. I already have a Masters. How many of them know what it really feels like to have a stroke? How many of them care? It doesn't look like it. I am going to put all my resources into Rehabbing myself! See that fake flight of steps? Meet me at the top! I jumped out my wheel chair and charged towards the step

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