Wednesday, February 8, 2017

I Was A Spastic

Note: "Stroke survivors muscles progress from Flacid (Limp) to Spastic (Tight.) The spinal cord tells the muscles to remain contracted (shortened).this command is spasticity. ...only Stroke Survivors can reduce their spasticity...Spasticity is a Brain Problem. ..a symptom  of the brain damage caused  by stroke...solving the riddle of spasticity ...exercise the spastic muscles. Stronger After A Stroke  Your Roadmap To Recovery Peter G. Levine I asked Benji to step out while I got dressed. Dr. Avotasaron sat in the guest chair with a clipboard board on her lap staring at me as I got dressed and then looking down as she scribbled some notes. Man, this is really painful and frustrating. Not to mention embarrassing to have some lady looking at me naked as I struggled to put on my underwear. Is this system perverted? Prostitutes get paid to take their clothes off. I am inadvertently paying for this lady to  watch me spastic out while I struggle to put my clothes on... Whatever... I'm  just saying. Inside my head I  went down into my  basement and looked up at my bulletin  board: "It's All About What's Inside!" I sat on the edge of my bed and with my left hand tried to put my foot through the hole in my underwear. My right fist was swollen, black and blue. My fist was clamped shut and twisted toward the inside of my forearm. I could Not open my fist. My right fist, arm,and shoulder had absolutely No feeling! If they were put into a raging hot furnace I would have no awareness of it . My right arm hung down  and was stuck in about a 45% angle at the elbow. If I tried to do an activity with my right arm it would start to flap around totally out of control. I remember when we were little kids we used to tell this cruel joke, 'How does a spastic eat an Ice Cream Cone? Like this...smack...into the forehead!' My Mother of Blessed Memory used to say, "Kids are cruel!" It took me a long time to get dressed.

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