Wednesday, February 8, 2017

"Proof of God In The Palm of The Hand

Place a Quarter in the center of a table. Put on a winter felt glove on your dominate side hand. Now, try and pick up the quarter just using your thumb and forefinger. (No sliding. Just lift it straight up.) Can't do it! Right? Frustrating. Isn't it? Now, take off your glove and try it. Easy! No sweat! I shed what seemed like buckets of tears relearning how to do actions with my hands, arms, and shoulders. By the end of each day I was bruised from head to toe trying to lift small three pound dumbbell with my right hand. I banged my head multiple times changing the bar of the Lat-Pull Down machine for my clients. One time I almost sliced my pinky finger off loading a forty five pound plate on the bar. I had No Feeling in my hand or arm. I didn't realize anything was wrong until I saw my bleeding pinky finger. All those 'simple' actions that I used to do unconsciously were New major challenges for me. Baruch HaShem! I want to Thank Rina Itskowitz! We were only able to do two sessions because of my schedule. Both were extremely helpful for my Rehab! The first thing she recommended was Push-ups. She said , "The body weight on my hand would help open up my fingers." Validating what I thought! She showed my how to massage my hand to bring the swelling down. She taught me how to do 'finger exercises' that I could practice on my own at home. Sir Isaac Newton once said, “In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God’s existence.”

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